Shop Holiday Gifts for Your Favorite Bibliophiles at Solid State Books

In a place as steeped in scholarship as here in DC, it’s no surprise that books make up a particularly popular interest. With that in mind, locals can’t help but love Solid State Books, an independent bookstore and coffee bar conveniently located downtown. Bringing together the activists, artists, students, and others that make our capital the bustling city we know and love, Solid State offers fiction and nonfiction titles and gifts and hosts a wide variety of events and programs to engage their target audience.
With beer, wine, cider, and coffee to keep you company, this shop will meet your every bookshelf need with staff recommendations, popular titles, and less common finds. To take your shopping experience up a notch, be sure to visit during a book signing, children’s story hour, or other event—even more so than usual, you’re sure to be met by people who share your interest in a genre, author, or books overall.
A trip to Solid State Books will keep your shelves well-stocked and your TBR list overflowing, whether you plan on making a purchase or just expect to browse. Pick up gifts for your loved ones, a copy of that bestseller you keep hearing about, or ask for suggestions for something you’re sure to love.